What is Fildena 100?

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What is Fildena 100?

Messagepar NoelJones » 29 Mai 2023 03:17

One of the most well-known drugs that doctors recommend generally for treating erectile dysfunction in males is fildena 100 mg. This pill is often referred to as a purple pill. This medicine is also used to treat PAH, a different condition. It belongs to the PDE-5 inhibitor class.

People who suffer from erectile dysfunction, often known as a condition where there is no proper erection, are well familiar with the name Fildena 100 Mg.

The veins in the penis become more pliable when an adult takes this pill before engaging in sexual activity. They also grow simultaneously, which accelerates the flow of blood to that area of the body. An erection that lasts during intercourse is caused by this increase in blood flow.
Messages: 1
Inscrit le: 29 Mai 2023 03:12

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